Hello, hello my nursing friends. Looks like it’s about that time again when holiday cheer is crowding the streets (not literally crowding since we are in the middle of a pandemic), people are decorating their houses with twinkly lights and pictures holding a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows in front of your Christmas tree is trending. I truly love the holiday season. It makes me so happy and God knows we need some holiday cheer in our lives this year. It hasn’t been an easy one. No need to worry though! I have gathered some great Holiday Gift Ideas you need to check out.
Ask yourself this, do you have someone in the family who is a healthcare provider and you have NO IDEA what to get them? Or maybe a co-worker that you are close to and don’t know what they would like? Well, friends… I’m going to share with you some ideas I think are great and that I personally, as a nurse, would love myself.
P.S. This Holiday Gift Guide can totally work for ANY healthcare professional.
This holiday gift guide is dedicated to all the nurses and healthcare professionals who have been working long hours, short staffed and stressed throughout this pandemic. Your hard work does not go unnoticed and we love and appreciate you for it.
This year has been a tough one on our healthcare providers and they deserve some love and celebration. Here are the best gifts I could come up with that any nurse would love. Like I said, all these gifts are gifts I would love and I made sure their reviews were up to par. I did extensive research on some of the pricier items as well. You can click on any image to view amazon link. Let’s get started.
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure here.
Who doesn’t love a nice massage? I know I do! But with COVID most people rather pass on getting a professional massage. Healthcare providers have so much stress and tension so let’s bring the massage to them, at their house, whenever they want. I say “Yes, please!!”. This is a bit of a pricier item but so well worth it for someone close. I’ve included two massage guns below that are both very highly rated and after much research seems to be the best bang for your buck without breaking the bank too much. The Handheld Percussion Massage and the Naipo Massage Gun.
The great thing about the Sonic LifePro Massage Gun is it has a lifetime warranty as per its’ website claims. At only $120 a LIFETIME WARRANTY is a freakin’ steal. It is one of the quieter, portable models and very user friendly plus it has 5 levels of intensity which is great for when you’ve had those tougher days at work. I actually purchased this one and am in love.
The Naipo Massage Gun, also a great choice with high-quality reviews, claims to be extremely quiet and have a long battery life, lasting up to 7 hours. Warranty on this one is 3 years. It comes with 5 different interchangeably heads and also has 5 different intensity levels. Seems like Amazon also has a $10 off coupon going on right now that you can benefit from.
Nothing like a good, reliable stethoscope for your favorite healthcare provider. A stethoscope is our number 1 tool at work. It helps us diagnose, and assess our patients. I personally love the Littman stethoscopes. They have always been very reliable and the great thing is when the tubing becomes stiff and old (which happens with time) you can easily just buy the tubing separately and plug in the bell/diaphragm to it. This is a great way to save some money and it’s what I’ve done in the past. Also, let’s not ignore how great of a price this Littman is at right now. Usually these are more than $85. Although still at a great price, price went up a tidbit since the last time. Still a steal… don’t wait too much longer or this one might go back to regular price.
A lunchbox is a great way to motivate your nursing friends to pack their lunch and not spend money in the cafeteria or ordering out. Aside from that, nurses are usually so busy we sometimes don’t even have time to go down to the cafeteria and order something. Having a packed lunch is a quick way for us to have a bite ready to go when we are on shift. If they do get a chance to sit down and enjoy their full 30 minutes (WHICH THEY TOTALLY SHOULD, BTW! IT’S THE LAW), they save time by having a ready to go packed up lunch.
A nursing bag is an essential item for every nurse. We carry lots of things in our nursing bag because let’s face it- a lot can happen in a 12 hour shift. We need to be packed up and prepared for anything and everything. An ideal nursing bag should have space for supplies, water bottle, snacks, pens and markers, books, laptop… the list goes on. Remember, there are many different specialities in nursing. Not every nurse works in the hospital as some work out in the field or are constantly on the go (home health nurses, travel nurses, hospice nurses). Therefore, I have included a few different bag styles to cater to our different nurses.
My nurses, say it with me “I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER!” I don’t know how many times I have heard a nurse say (including myself), omg I’m so thirsty! Literally, we can go an entire shift without drinking water and it is terrible for our bodies. Getting a nice tumbler for your nursing and healthcare friends is key in making sure they stay hydrated.
After I purchased one of these tumblers there was a huge difference with my hydration. I had no choice but to hydrate because the water bottle was right in front of my face! There was no excuse. Reviews also state that this tumbler keeps water pretty cold for pretty long! Worth trying out in my opinion. Love the sleek, clean look too.
Here is one that is customizable…however, not sure how long water stays cold in this one.
Pretty much the same concept as above except the Yeti or it’s affordable dupe, the Ozark can also keep drinks warm. Love these! I have numerous Ozark’s and Yetis and honestly, I find that the Ozark works JUST AS WELL as the Yeti.
You guys, I’m not lying. I have tested this out and I’ve had ice last in the ozark ALL night and for hours even when in my car. They sell different sizes and colors at Walmart but you can check it out on Amazon too.
Who doesn’t love a good coffee mug? I mean…. who doesn’t love a good coffee?! Hah. A coffee mug is ideal for your in office nurse or even for a nurse working from home. Telehealth is a huge thing now so we might be seeing more of this as time goes on. How cute are these mugs though?
Annnndd of course, with every cup of coffee comes a coffee warmer or at least they should! During a busy shift we tend to forget about our coffee. How many of you does this happen to? You have your cup of coffee while you are working and have half of it sitting there hours later because you got too busy with work. This coffee warmer keeps your coffee warm for as long as it is on. All you have to do it put your cup on the coffee warmer plate and viola! Hot coffee for hours.
BTW- I’ve also seen this double up as a candle warmer. Smart, huh? Just use with caution and keep an eye the first few times you use it. Technically these don’t market themselves as candle warmers.
Why are hospitals always so cold?? Well, it’s because they want to prevent a warm environment where bacteria and viruses can thrive and replicate in. Buying a nurse or healthcare provider a fleece sweater is an awesome idea. It will help keep them warm and comfortable during their shift.
Here are some you can customize.
Here are some cute/cool ones.
Compression socks are awesome at preventing varicose veins for those who stand or sit for long periods of time (12 hours is a long time to be standing). It helps improve blood flow in the lower legs where blood generally tends to pool in these cases. Get your favorite nurse some fun and colorful compression socks. They will thank you later!
I have always loved these watches for nurses. First of all, they are waterproof. Nurses and healthcare providers are constantly washing their hands so you want to make sure that you buy them a watch that won’t get water damage. That in itself is GREAT but it also has a more sturdy, ready to work look to it as well as the fact it provides military time, second hand timer, and a watch light for when its dark and you are counting respirations in your patient’s room at night.
Perfect for those of you who have spouses who work in healthcare. Don’t bring home those germs underneath your wedding band or in the crevices of your diamond ring. I’ve seen so many nurses have their engagement ring break gloves and you definitely don’t want to take your ring off and possibly misplace or lose it. No sir. These silicone bands are perfect to still display your promise to your partner while still being comfortable and very easy to clean after a shift.
Another great find for nurses and healthcare providers who are on their feet for hours. Danskos are on the pricier side but again, are very comfortable for those who are standing for long periods of time. The sole provides arch support, has a memory foam pad built in to cushion and provide comfort and provides high shock absorbency which prevents painful soles and heels at the end of your shift. They are also easy to clean due to it’s leather material.
For those nurses who love jewelry and all things fashion here are some super cute nursing accessories that will keep your nursing friends feeling cute during their long shift. I made sure to search up jewelry that does not turn different colors on you. Both of these claim to be RUST FREE.
Let’s just talk for a minute about these super cute nurse/healthcare inspired nurse shirts created by Med by Liv. Med by Liv is a shop that has tons of cute shirts for not only nurses but most healthcare professions, and guess what? You can also customize your own! Inventory includes anything from t-shirts, sweat shirts, tumblers, stickers and more. It’s also nice to support small businesses this time of year & during covid times. I was able to get you guys a 10% off with coupon code THERNEDUCATOR . Go to the following link to check out her shop.
In this Holiday Gift Guide, I’ve also included a small section for our Night Shift Nurses although any nurse or healthcare professional can definitely benefit from these.
If you know a night shift nurse, you know that black out curtains are a must! Can you sleep without them? Sure. But is it a game changer when you have them? HELL YEAH! The sleep you get with black out curtains is just so peaceful and deep. I don’t really know how to explain it but you just feel so well-rested when you wake up.
Remember, night shift nurses need to sleep during the day so there is nothing worse than sunlight beaming into your room. These blackout curtains will block out any light and pretty much make your room pitch black. These have great reviews and have a variety of sizes and colors to choose from.
This sleeping eye mask is also a great addition to the Holiday Gift Guide for the night shift nurse (or any nurse really!). What I love about this eye mask is that it has gaps where your eyes are so the mask isn’t pressing up against your eyes. I’ve slept with and without an eye mask and let me tell you… I literally feel the difference in quality of sleep. This is also a great alternative if you can’t get black out curtains but still want to block out some sunlight.
Who doesn’t love some nice, comfy PJ’s? Even if you don’t work in healthcare this is a great gift. I like to pair this up with some comfy slippers, maybe a silk pillowcase or some fuzzy, warm socks. It’s a really cute and creative gift. These PJ’s have great reviews, come in a ton of different colors and patterns and have a variety of sizes.
Last but not least, our Holiday Gift Guide includes these soft & comfy slippers! Like I said, think about combining this with the above PJ’s for a perfect little holiday gift. After a long shift on your feet, you want nothing more than to place your feet in some soft, comfy slippers. These are super trendy, cute and comfy. They’re also at a great price.
Well, that’s a wrap for our Holiday Gift Guide! Now, can you share with me some of your favorite holiday gifts?!
Can you think of any other nice gifts for our healthcare professionals? Share them in the comments below!
’till next time,
The RN Educator
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