Hello, my nursing friends! Today I am bringing you a much requested post for those of you in nursing school, about to start nursing school or a nurse already in the field. We are talking Nursing Essentials Clinical Edition! There is nothing like being prepared on the floor and trust me when I say- these nursing essentials are going to come in extra handy during your clinicals.
I am including it all — I mean seriously! Anything I think would be beneficial for your clinicals you can find below. From simple things like pens and phone case chargers to my personal favorite stethoscope and trauma sheers.
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A phone charger is a necessity anywhere you go but during clinicals you can’t just decide to plug in your phone in a random nurses station. Yes, if you are a nurse already working there then sure this would be easy but if you are a student you might feel a little uncomfortable or shy even asking.
These phone chargers actually charge the phone themselves. I’ve had one before and they come in so handy. All you have to do is charge the case ahead of time and you are ready to go!

Insoles are going to be game changers and life savers during a long 12 hour shift. Don’t skip out on this nursing essential. I guarantee your feet will thank you every single day. Don’t believe me? Try 3 back to back shifts and let me know if it helped in the comments below!

Compression socks are such an important nursing essential. Not only do they promote blood flow and circulation but they prevent varicose veins and leg fatigue. I have a few varicose veins and wish I would’ve started wearing these early on as a nurse. The colorful, patterned ones are super cute if you work in a pediatric department (but can still be used on ANY floor).

Badge anything, YES please! Any nursing essential that attaches to your badge reel is a WIN in my book. Let me tell you why:

In case your hospital or nursing school doesn’t give these out these are super cute badges to rock on your badge and rep your role in the hospital.

As a nurse or nursing students, these are a MUST HAVE nursing essential. The fact that it clips to your scrub belt hoop or badge are game changers. However, be careful clipping it to your badge or badge holder because this can be a risk for safety if a patient decides to grab it and hurt you (probably would not do that unless you purchase the last one which is shaped differently for safety purposes).
Bandage scissors and trauma sheers are used to cut guaze, pants, dressings or anything you can think of but it is such a critical tool to always have, especially in emergency situations. Strongly recommend grabbing a pair!

PSA Nurses and Nursing Students: GET A BADGE REEL MARKER! These come in so handy as a nurse. I use markers for EVERYTHING. Labeling medications, labeling my lines, and especially labeling my IV bags. You can’t do it with a pen because you wouldn’t be able to see/read it. A marker helps the date and time stand out.
I spent my first couple years not having a badge reel marker and was always looking for a sharpie at the nurses station (it was always being misplaced after someone used it). The badge reel marker is a freaking awesome nursing essential and whenever I precept someone I let them know it’s a “work smarter, not harder” kinda supply. DO it, you won’t regret it.

These are pretty cool too if you like to highlight your tasks as you go or even better, you like to highlight discharge instructions for your patients. I find them very beneficial to have certain instructions stand out for my patients. Then no one can tell me I didn’t review certain things with my patients at discharge because I highlighted it!
Again, these types of badge reel supplies are always a WIN in my nursing essentials book.
Here is another nursing essentials that works as a badge reel. If you know you know! Penlights are used to assess pupils, look at wounds, look in the back of a patient’s throat and inspect their mouth. SO many uses. Below you’ll see the badge reel pen light.
….and here is the regular, original pen light.

Stay organized with this nursing essential. If you don’t just want to drop a stethoscope or your nursing supplies in your bag have a specific case for it all. It’s organized, clean and makes it quick and easy to find in your bag.

As a nursing student or new nurse resource cards are very helpful. These go over so many of the most important topics in each SUBJECT. They are like cheat sheets attached to your badge. You can take them all and keep in your nursing bag for reference during your shift or pick out the ones that apply to the floor you will be working in that day. It’s never a bad thing to be prepared.

With covid our accessories need to be mask friendly. Although nursing has always been this way but now more than ever they are creating more scrub caps, headbands and accessories that have buttons to wrap your face masks around. These headbands are amazing to not only keep your hair out of your face (no one wants hair getting into a patients wound, ew!) but also to give your ears a little relief from the masks.

A great stethoscope is a nursing essential you cannot skip out on. If you don’t have a great stethoscope you can potentially miss out on serious adventitious lung or cardiac sounds your patient may be having. Probably the most expensive nursing tool you will have as a nurse but honestly, you can’t skimp out on this one. I personally have used Littman’s and have found them to be very reliable when assessing my patients lung and heart sounds.
Find yourself a very comfortable and spacious nursing bag. You are going to need it. As a nurse you might want to pack a sweater, stethoscope and other nursing supplies, lunch and some snacks, water bottle and other essentials you mind find useful for your floor (drug guide book, ekg book, etc…)

Must have nursing essential as a nurse or nursing student is a clinical watch. Honestly, any watch works as long as it has a working second hand. You need a watch to count respirations and pulse.

Here is a good one for nursing students, especially during our current pandemic or if you are in a school or clinical setting where you can’t get much practice. This is a bit pricey but if you can afford it you can use this to practice your IV’s.
This is such an awesome POCKET drug guide book for nurses. One thing you will learn is that you cannot possible remember every single medication and every single side effect. It’s important to have this pocket drug guide in case your patient is on a medication you are unfamiliar with or a side effect you want to make sure to monitor for as well as contraindications (very important).
Remember, never give a medication you are unfamiliar with. Always know what the medication is used for, its side effects and why your patient is receiving it.

This foldable clipboard is great, especially for nursing students, because you have something to write on (since you aren’t always guaranteed a working space or computer on wheels while you are following your nurse) but it folds easily into your scrub pocket and is not too bulky.

Finally, a manual blood pressure set is a perfect nursing essential. Why? Because you never know if your hospital or place of work has enough blood pressure machines or any at all. If you are a home health nurse, most times you’ll have to have your own supplies so this is a nursing supply that always comes in handy.
Nursing students can also practice their blood pressure taking skills using these at home. Again, clinicals are very different this year and extra practice never hurt anyone. Plus, it is always a good thing to have a blood pressure kit at home for any kind of emergency.

Well friends, that wraps up the 20 Nursing Essentials you need for clinicals. Can you think of anything else you need? There are always so many things that come in handy. Comment and share below so we can all benefit from what you found helpful!
Some other posts you might find helpful when thinking of clinical or classroom supplies are these:
The ULTIMATE Gift Guide for Nurses/Nursing Students
25 Small Gifts or “Stocking Stuffers” for Nurses/Nursing Students
Also, would you guys like a Nursing Essentials Classroom Edition? Let me know in the comments below!
’till next time,
The RN Educator
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